Changing Multi-Videos after Export

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Changing Multi-Videos after Export

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qulu offers many possibilities when working with Multi-Videos. A user can do almost everything as with regular Layout:

Add or remove Items. For instance, if Multi-Video was exported from 10PM to 11PM and a new camera was added, it would get synchronized with other cameras and be displaying in the same archive (10PM11PM). See "Adding Items to Layouts" and "Removing Item(s) from Layouts".

note Note: Local Files are not allowed in Multi-Videos

Adjusting Layout Look and Feel (move, swap, resize, rotate). See "Adjusting Layout’s Appearance".

Save modified Multi-Video. One restriction is applied: it is not possible to mix Local Videos and Cameras in a single Multi-Video. Same as Layouts (see "Saving Layouts"), but can be performed by Viewers.

note Note: Multi-Video can be saved with a read-only flag (modifications will not be saved).