Collecting Logs

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Collecting Logs

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The following logs must be provided as part of a support ticket:

System Logs

Server  Logs

Client Logs.

To obtain System Logs:

1.Open Event Log form (see "Viewing Events Log").

2.Choose <Any Event>, <Any Camera>, <Write To Log> filters.

3.Open Context Menu and choose Select All (or press Ctrl+A).

4.Open Context Menu and choose Export Selection to Flie.

5.Save the file and attach to the support ticket.

To obtain Server Logs:

1.Right click on the desired Server , open Context Menu and choose Server Logs... The log will open up in browser.

2.Copy all text (CTRL+A) and paste it into a new text file.

3.Repeat this for all Server s (if necessary).

4.Save the file and attach to the support ticket.

To obtain Client Logs:

Windows: c:\Users\<Local User>\AppData\Local\Vista CCTV\Vista CCTV Qulu\log\log_file.log.

Linux: /home/<Local User>/.local/share/Vista CCTV/Vista CCTV Qulu/log.