Tracked Events

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Tracked Events

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qulu can react as soon as a particular Event occurs.

Every tracked event may have its own parameters. Refer to the particular Event description for more information:

Motion on Camera

Camera Disconnection/Malfunction

Storage Failure

Network Issue

Camera IP Conflict

Input Signal on Camera

Server  Failure

Server s Conflict

Server Connection Lost

Licenses are not Configured

E-mail is not Set for Users

E-Mail Server is not Configured

Storages are not Configured

Server  Started.

As soon as Event occurs, the Action can be performed. See "Actions".

Additionally, Events can be tracked based on the schedule. For instance, Motion can be tracked only on weekends and Input Signalat 8PM-8AM. See "Setting up Schedule for Tracking Events" for details.

Finally, all Events are recorded in Log. See "Viewing Events Log" and "Write to Log".