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qulu Server Components – qulu Server and Server.

Administrator – a user that configures qulu.

Archive – video and audio data recorded from cameras.

Aspect Ratio (AR) – video dimensions. Most commonly used are: 4:3 and 16:9.

Bitrate – number of bytes per second. Used to measure video stream.

Client – the software used to connect to servers and view video streams.

Codec – video or audio compression.

Dual Streaming – enables a camera to provide two separate streams simultaneously, yielding bandwidth and processor savings on Client (see RADASS).

Export – allows to export a video footage from archive. Exported video can be viewed on any device.

FPS – Frames per Second. Used to measure video stream.

GPU – Graphic Processing Unit. The processor installed on the video card.

HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Some cameras use this protocol to stream video.

Item – video or image on Scene.

Layout – saved video items and their position, size and orientation.Used to present surveillance information to qulu user.

Live – ability to view cameras live in real-time mode.

Server  Port – used by Server to process requests for recorded fragments and video data from qulu Client.

Motion Detection – indicates whether or not any motion occurred within camera's viewing zone.

Motion Mask – the area in viewing zone that does not trigger Motion Detection.

Multi-Video Export – an ability to backup several videos in a proprietary format or executable bundle.

Onvif – a unified protocol used for communication with cameras. See

OS – Operating System.

Preview Search – breaks down a period of time into smaller video segments. Example: a month broken into ten 3-day periods displaying them as separate video segments. Eases search of large archives.

Private (cameras) Network – the network used to transmit data from cameras to Server . It is not accessible from outside.

Public (Intranet) Network – the network used to connect to Server from outside. It can be used for either connecting Server to Server or configuring Server Components. It may or may not be connected to the Internet.

Public IP – IP Address that can be accessed from the Internet.

PTZ – Point, Tilt, Zoom (a camera must support PTZ for the feature to be used)

Resources – cameras, Server s, local video files, users and layouts.

RADASS – Resolution and Algorithmic Data Adaptive Scaling System. Enables dynamic switching of resolution to yield bandwidth savings and optimize processor load. Requires Dual-Streaming to be supported by the Cameras used.

RTSP – Real Time Streaming Protocol. Some cameras use this protocol to stream video.

RTSP Port – the port used by Server to process requests for media streams from qulu Client.

Server – the computer that qulu Server is installed on.

Smart Motion Search – an ability to search by motion within the selected range. qulu will provide fragments with motion occurred in the specified region.

Super Administrator – an initial user with full access to qulu (his login is admin). This user cannot be deleted.

Sync – ability to play back several cameras simultaneously.

Thumbnails – small snapshots of recorded footage. Used in searching for specific scenes.

URL – Uniform Resource Locator is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to an Internet/Intranet resource. Used to establish connection to Server.

Viewer – a user with a limited access to qulu (not permitted to change configuration).

Watermark – used to check validity of exported files. If a file was modified or altered in any way, watermark will fail.