Navigating through Archive and Live

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Navigating through Archive and Live

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It is very easy to navigate through Live and Archive in qulu. Here are some tips and shortcuts.

! IMPORTANT. It is only possible to navigate through recorded fragments (chunks). Position Slider to the dark area will jump to the next available recorded fragment (displayed in green on Time Line).

By default, all Cameras are set to display Live if opened for the first time.

note Note: all Users are allowed to view cameras Live. However, to view Archive, Viewers must have the appropriate permissions.

Search Archive:

Click on any desired position on Time Line or Time Scale.

Drag Time Slider to the desired position. The picture will refresh while dragging.

Time Scale navigation:

Zoom Time Scale using Mouse Wheel for finer selection

Move Time Scale Scrollbar

Double Click on Time Scale Scrollbar to zoom out

Go to Live:

Press LIVE or L

Move Position Slider all the way to the right

Play/Pause: Press play_hovered or Space

Fast Forward or Rewind:

Press forward_hovered or Ctrl + Right Arrow to increase speed

Press backward_hovered or Ctrl + Left Arrow to decrease speed

Available speeds on play: -16x, -8x, -4x, -2x, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x

Available speeds op pause: -2x, -1x, -0.5x, -0.25x, 0x, 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x

Use Speed Slider: very left position is -16x (-2x on pause), very right one – 16x(2x on Pause)

Click on Speed Slider to change speed temporarily and then revert to 1x (0x on Pause)

Drag Speed Slider to change speed permanently (or use Mouse Wheel on Speed Slider)

If Rewinding while in Live mode, the position will be switched to Archive

If Fast Forwarding while viewing archive, camera(s) will be switched to Live if the very right position is reached.

Previous/Next Frame (Pause only):

Press step_forward_hovered or Ctrl + Right Arrow to skip to the next frame

Press step_backward_hovered or Ctrl + Left Arrow to skip to the previous frame

Use Mouse Wheel on Speed Slider when on Pause

Previous/Next Recorded Fragment:

Press rewind_forward_hovered or Ctrl + Right Arrow to skip to the next frame

Press rewind_backward_hovered or Ctrl + Left Arrow to skip to the previous frame

Useful sections:

Pan-Temporal Time Line

Navigating through Several Cameras Synchronously.