Configuring Video Wall on Several Computers

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Configuring Video Wall on Several Computers

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Usually one PC can handle limited number of Displays. In this case if it is necessary to increase the number of Video Wall Displays it is necessary to add Video Wall Processors. Thus, qulu  is has great scalability and flexibility in terms of Video Wall Configuration.

To add Video Wall Processor

1.Run Client of the PC then should be added to the current Video Wall (physical Displays should be connected to it).

2.Right Click on desired Video Wall in Resource Tree and choose Attach to Video Wall. Repeat all steps that are described in the "Configuring Layout of Video Wall Displays" section.

3.Switch to Video Wall Mode (see "Switching to and Exiting from Video Wall Mode").

4.Repeat the steps above on each Video Wall Processor.

After that Video Wall will be extended and will include Displays connected to newly attached Video Wall Processors.