Working with Multiple qulu Windows

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Working with Multiple qulu Windows

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It is possible to set up Layouts on multiple qulu windows in a multi-monitor environment.

! IMPORTANT. This feature is not supported on Mac OS.

To open a new window, click on Main Menu –> New –> Window (or press Ctrl + N).

Also selected Items may be opened in a new window:

1.Select desired Items in Resource Tree or on Scene (Multi-Selection can be applied, see "Selecting Items").

2.Invoke Context Menu and select Open in New Window.

Working with Several Windows - 1

Finally, it is possible to drag Items from one window to another (only Administrators can drag Items to predefined Layouts):

1.Select desired Items in Resource Tree or on Scene (Multi-Selection can be applied, see "Selecting Items").

2.Hold Ctrl and Drag selected Items to a new window.

Video Wall introduces much more functionality when working with several monitors. See "Video Wall Management" for details.