Customizing Look and Feel of qulu

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Customizing Look and Feel of qulu

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qulu provides  a number of ways to customize user interface. To start, open Main Menu, choose Local Settings, then switch to Look and Feel...

The following settings can be changed:

Language interface localization.

Skin desired interface color scheme (Dark or Light)

Timeline mode display time when viewing recorded footage (Server Time or Local Time)

Show IP in tree  display IP camera and recorder addresses in Resource Tree

Tour sequence cycle time time  between cycling items in Tour Mode (see "Tours")

Also qulu  allows changing  a variety of background settings as well:

Background Animation. It is possible to set the color and intensity or completely disable it.

note Note: To disable animation once  press CTRL + ALT + T. This may be useful on  slow video adapters or in remote sessions.

Background Image. Click Browse... to select a graphic file and set Mode (Stretch, Fit or Crop) and Intensity (transparency).

Click OK when done or Cancel to discard changes. If the changes require restart, the corresponding warning will be displayed.