Main Menu

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Main Menu

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Main Menu allows users to gain access to various qulu features quickly and intuitively. Main Menu can be opened by clicking on the logo at the upper left corner and contains the following items:

Connect to (Another) Server – allows connecting/disconnecting to/from Server (see "Connecting to Server and Working Offline")

Logout – drop connection to a current Server and go offline


Tab – creates an empty tab in Tab Navigator (see "Tabs")

Window – opens a new window of qulu (see "Working with Multiple qulu Windows")

User – creates a new user (see "User Management")

Video Wall –  create new Video Wall (see "Video Wall Management").

Open – opens and plays back Local Files (see "Playing Back Local Files in qulu"):

File – opens Local Video File

Folder – opens all Local Video Files in the selected folder and plays them back simultaneously (max 24 files for x86 and max 64 files for x64).

Start/Stop Screen recording (see "Screen Recording (Windows Only)").

System Administration – opens up system-related settings (see "System-Wide Configurations").

Local Settings – opens up client-related settings (see "Customizing Look and Feel of qulu").

Merge Systems – allows merging mult-server systems (see "Full Screen and Window Mode").

About – opens information about the system (see "Collecting Additional Information").
