Monitoring Server s (Admin Only)

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Monitoring Server s (Admin Only)

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qulu enables users to perform monitoring the health of Server s in the real-time mode. To proceed, perform one of the following:

Drag Server from Resource Tree to Scene

Open Server 's Context Menu and choose Monitor (Monitor in a New Tab or Window).

The information is displayed as follows:

Monitoring Media Servers - 1

Uptime (the time since the server is started)

CPU Load

Memory Usage (RAM)

Hard disk partitions usage (C: and D: in this case)

Network Interfaces Usage

To enable/disable graphs check/uncheck them. If hover with a mouse cursoe on a check, the corresponding graph will be clearly visible, the rest-ones will be faded:

Monitoring Media Servers - 2

User can perform standard manipulations with Monitoring Item: move, resize, swap, duplicate etc (see "Items on Layouts").

To stop monitoring, remove the corresponding item from Scene.

Multiple Server s can be monitored simultaneously.

Additionally it is possible to monitor all Servers on a single Layout. To do so open Main Menu, choose System Administration (CTRL+ALT+A), then click Health Monitoring.