De-warping Fish-Eye Cameras

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De-warping Fish-Eye Cameras

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qulu provides a dewarping feature to be able to view fish-eye cameras. To activate this feature on Cameras, dewarping must be configured for Camera. See "Setting Up Fish-Eye Cameras".

After all configurations are completed, the fisheye_hovered button will appear on the Camera Item:

Once clicked, the button will activate dewarping and enable the following controls:

De-warping Fish-Eye Cameras - 1

Left-Click on the item, Hold Left Mouse Button and move the cursor to move Camera on the desired position.

Use + and - buttons to zoom in/out

Move to a certain positionLeft Click on the desired position.

qulu does not perform any dewarping when taking screenshots from FIsh-Eye Lens Cameras. However, the image can be dewarped later. See "De-warping Screenshots Taken from Fish-Eye Cameras".

It is possible to select Dewarping Panoramic Mode (the circle on the right). Once clicked, it will show the image as a 90, 180, or 360 degree panoramic view:

De-warping Fish-Eye Cameras - 2

De-warping Fish-Eye Cameras - 3

Press fisheye_hovered again to disable dewarping and hide controls.

note Note: Export and Taking Screenshots features will depend on this setting as well: if dewarping is enabled, the screenshot will be dewarped automatically and the Export dialog will suggest this feature (can be disabled).

It is important to place Zoom Windows on the originally warped camera:

Setting Up Fish-Eye Cameras - 0

As displayed above, all zoom windows are dewarped automatically. Configure the zoom windows and Save Layout.

note Note: this feature can be applied to images as well.