Creating New User (Admin Only)

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Creating New User (Admin Only)

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To create User:

1.Do one of the following:

Open Main Menu and go to New –> User

Right-Click on Users in Resources Tree and choose New.

2.Enter user settings:

Login and Password – user credentials. ! IMPORTANT: login and password are case sensitive.

Email this address will be used for E-Mail notifications. If it is not set the user will not be able to receive such notifications. See "Mail Notifications".

Access Rights – Administrator or Viewer. See “Introducing User Roles” for more details.

Creating New User (Admin Only) - 1

By default Viewer can only view live video. To setup additional permissions, click Advanced. The following Permissions can be assigned:

Creating a New User (Admin Only) - 2

3.Click OK to create a user.

Once User is established, Layouts can be created and assigned to this User. See “Creating New Layout”.