System-Wide Configurations

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System-Wide Configurations

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All system related settings are combined in the single dialog. That makes system administration much more simple. This dialog can be opened by clicking on Main Menu –> System Administration (CTRL+ALT+A).

The dialog contains the following sections (tabs):


Alarm/Event Rules – invokes the dialog when Event/Actions can be configured

Event Log – opens up the list of events that occurred (Viewing Events Log)

Camera List – opens up the list of cameras in the system

Health Monitoring – opens Layout and shows health information for all servers.

Camera Management – ability to Disable Automatic Discovery and Preventing qulu from Changing Camera Streaming Settings.

Backing up and Restoring qulu Database

Licenses – see "Obtaining and Activating qulu Licenses"

E-Mail – ability to Configure Mail Server for E-Mail Notifications

Updates – see "Upgrading qulu"

Routing Management

Time Synchronization.